Ali & Batoul Photography

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Happy First Mother's Day

I can’t even begin to describe how incredible, inspiring and supremely talented this new mother is. Its been only four young months into motherhood, but she has fully embraced it (despite her own protests that she doesn’t know what she is doing). She’s constantly thinking about Hayat, worried and eager to make life for her better each moment. But that’s not what makes me so proud.

There a millions of incredible mothers out there who devote themselves and make the lives of the their children better each day. I salute and applaud such women today, and always. But this one, after spending a full day labouring over a very demanding, sleep-defying baby, returns to her passions and the practice of the craft she loves. She’s more anxious to improve herself than ever before. You read about such people. I get to see one up close.

I can’t wait to share this with Hayat one day. So today, my Hajjiyah, I wish you the first of a very long line of mother’s day greetings.
